In the almost two weeks since Mike Brown was murdered in
Ferguson, Missouri we have seen what most residents would call a peaceful
community turn into a war zone. With images going viral through social media
the scenery looks like a battle between the citizens and powers that be in some
third world countries. In what seems like a case that needed no more than
common sense to see who was in the wrong and at fault, a war has begun.
Literally, with Martial Law allowing the National Guard to occupy and take
action on this community whether provoked or not.
What we are seeing before our eyes is the veil of so called
freedom being lifted to see the harsh reality of corrupt powers in control. Our
society thrives off silence, fear, and ignorance; so the relentless pursuit for
justice in Ferguson is throwing the authorities off. Where normally the crowds
would have dispersed with the next breaking news segment, the voices have only
grown in numbers and gotten larger.
First... there is upset surrounding how this case has been
handled from the moment Ferguson PD left Mike Browns body dead in the street
for four hours before throwing his body in the back of an suv, neglecting to
file reports and rejecting official testimonies from eye witnesses. If any non-government
or judicial employee shot and killed any other individual in the presence of
witnesses they would be arrested, arraigned, and await a trial. But officer
Darren Wilson has been whisked away to a safe house as his cohorts worked as
quickly as they could to spin the case in his favor. They did not expect the
people of Ferguson and America to take such a stand, ask so many questions, and
continue to demand answers and actions. Sadly, actions we have gotten with the
National Guard & local PD flooding the streets and the FBI and Highway Patrol
taking over investigations to look as if the investigation is unbiased.
Protestors have been portrayed as rioters and looters by the
main stream news while the real looters are the police raiding pantries and
safe havens with no badges on. Operation Help or Hush raised over 10k through a
gofund me, 3k of that was spent on goods they donated to the local pantry for
needy families, while providing lunches and simple aid to protestors. Literally
two days after dropping off these donations and supplying a safe haven the
police “confiscated” both the goods in the pantry as well as the food and aid
supplied to the safe haven.
Then, no more than a five minute drive from where Mike Brown
was shot and killed another young black man was gunned down by the local PD. Kaijeme
Powell was shot six times by two officers after having supposedly stole a
doughnut and soda from a local mart. After stealing the items he remained at
the scene of the crime to await the arrival of the police. The police arrived and exited their vehicle
with weapons drawn, Powell with a knife in hand started to approach them while
screaming for them to shoot and kill him. Which they did not hesitate to do,
mind you all of this was captured on video and uploaded to Instagram.
First, why is it a
gun was the first thing officers thought to pull out to try and stop and
apprehend Powell with? Second, why did they handcuff his lifeless body after
shooting him six times? You mean to tell me to stop a suspect a respectable
distance away wielding only a knife could not be stopped with a taser?
It’s as if the enforcers of the laws that are supposed to
serve and protect the people are using their authority as an excuse to kill at
With the protests becoming calmer as the days passed, people
are starting to leave the community to let the people of the community itself heal
from this tragedy and intrusion. Yet and still every night arrests are made by
aggressive cops walking around badgeless as the mainstream media does 30 second
highlights on the “continued unrest”.
Don’t believe everything you hear and believe only half of
what you see and make an opinion on what Ferguson means to American society.
Innocent people’s natural rights have been stripped to protect a corrupt case
of murder. We have been blatantly lied to while being treated criminally for
wanting to see justice. Don’t stop talking though. Don’t give up. Mostly, don’t
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