18 year old unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, was shot and killed eight
to ten times Saturday august 9th 2014 at 2pm in Ferguson, Missouri
(a suburb of St. Louis) by a Ferguson police officer.
Immediately a social media frenzy
ensued with a few people on the scene posting pictures and videos from the time
Michaels body was left lying in the street (Michael Skolnik tweets, “Mike Brown’s body was left in the street for four hours
before the police removed him. #Ferguson”) to videos of the “riots” that
ensued during protests over the weekend. Sunday the chief of Ferguson police
held a press conference stating that Brown had “physically assaulted” the
officer in his vehicle, attempted to take his gun and then was shot while
running away.
This being corroborated by several others that stated they saw Brown with his hands up when he was shot several times, and that shots originated from inside the cop’s vehicle. Yet this officer is on paid administrative leave pending an investigation for... murder?
This is the third occasion in a month where a black man (Eric Garner, John Crawford) was killed at the hands of an officer. Each one taking paid or non-paid leaves while investigations ensue. Talk about stalling techniques. When someone kills a cop in front of people do they get the luxury of never being arrested and booked till an investigation ensues?
First… the cover ups.
Why is it as soon as a cop kills someone they frame the incident in words that try to make the victim seem as if they were murdered justly? Then the media continues in that fashion by giving the victim a small voice while focusing on the turmoil surrounding the case. For instance you hear more about the “angry mobs” and “looting and destruction” surrounding the murder of Michael Brown than you do questions of why the officer who killed him is not under arrest, and why the police confiscated as much of the witnesses physical evidence (pictures & videos) they could but still three days later have yet to announce if the officer will be charged.
You hear more about the possibility that he may have stolen a $1 cigarillo than you do the fact that he should have started his first day of college at a local tech university this Monday.
Even down to pictures used to portray him to the public. A hashtag was started on twitter over the weekend (#iftheygunnedmedown) where people who notice the apparent bias in the media’s portrayal of black victims posted juxtapose pictures of themselves, one picture being of a favorable manner, and the other displaying a more “thug” appearance.
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This picture replaced ones of Brown in a cap and gown as the media coverage continued |

After James Holmes walked into that theater in Colorado and murdered 12 and injured 58 people the pictures that accompanied him were of a wholesome quality. A white man can kill people in cold blood and a plain head shots with a smile on his face is the image we will all remember, while when a black boy is murdered they use images that subconsciously paint the victim as a menace.
It helps the case of the officer in question and the police department if they can criminalize the victims so people will not sympathize with the situation.
Second... the politically correct responses.
In today’s era everyone has a
platform to express their opinion, and while you would assume the natural
reaction is to blame the cop, sight the injustice, and be disturbed and
outraged. Not everyone takes these occurrences to heart. Still I was surprised
to see so many, let’s say “politically correct” responses, suggesting the fault
lies in not preparing the young black youth to properly conduct themselves in
this society giving authoritative figures no reason to bother them. While it is
true you must make sure your children are aware of the fact that this system is
designed against them in the grand scheme. I do not in any way think that will
stop this issue of police brutality against minorities in America.
At the end of the day no matter how
you dress them up, do their hair, make them speak, they will still be black.
Brown was a black teen in a
predominantly black neighborhood when he was approached by a cop for no
determinable reason and shot to death.
Now, it was rumored he was being
chased for having stolen a $1 cigarillo from a local corner store, BUT there
has been no mention of these accusations in official releases from the Ferguson
police department, nor the store, or witnesses. So outside of witness Johnson
stating the cop had told them to stop walking in the street what reason did
this cop have for stopping, let alone pulling a weapon and shooting?
The chief of police stated that the
officer claimed Brown had assaulted him inside his vehicle then upon firing
took off running. He also says the officer knew Brown was unarmed, so why not
chase the teen instead of continuing to fire shots at him?
No, this makes the overwrought and
temperamental mentality of the local Ferguson community understandable.
For years we have seen police
brutalize black men with no regard for consequences as if they know there will
be none. In other words they don’t value the black man’s life or contribution
to life and so they feel justified in killing them.
Some pointed out that we should be
pushing for improvements in our inner community putting together more
preventative programs to keep the youth of the streets, and while this is
needed period will it stop a young black man from being shot walking from
school to an after school program or local community event? No. They will still
be black.
The only color in American society
that trumps all the others is green. So unless your black child is being born
into an affluent status (and even then) it doesn’t matter how you teach them to
conduct themselves … they will still be black. They will still be subjected to
racial profiling.
Keep your politically correct
thoughts to yourself as they will not bring Michael Brown back and so BE ANGRY
till he is served justice.
Third.. Fighting back.
Sunday the local citizens of
Ferguson found their outlet to fight in ransacking the store mentioned in
accusing Brown of stealing alongside several other NON BLACK OWNED businesses
in the area. While I can say this is not the most constructive way of fighting
to have our voices heard history has shown us that we get more done when we are
violent than when we plead. So how can you blame the citizens for responding
with violence when the murderer of Brown has been placed on PAID administrative
People say they are only hurting
their community when they began destroying the stores, when they are actually
hurting those who exploit their community.
1960's vs 2014 |
“A riot is the language of the
unheard” – Martin Luther King Jr
The hacktivist group “Anonymous”
has joined the fight warning Ferguson PD if they harmed any of the protestors
they would shut down their internal server… and they kept their promise
shutting down the department’s main site and emails. Then asking for
legislative to pass a “Mike Brown’s Law” that will set strict national
standards for police conduct and misbehavior in the USA.
Monday’s protests were peaceful and
quickly dispersed with threats of arrest, and it was announced that both the
FBI and U.S. Department of Justice would be investigating the case alongside
Ferguson P.D.
All I can ask is that we do all the above… prepare, teach, and fight.

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