Sunday, September 7, 2014

@OfficialWyld_7 "7's are Wyld" EP Review

I have one of those “Hip” mothers and some months ago she sent Wyld7 and his manager my way to network for my radio show. After giving his single “Mad Max” a spin after it was sent to me I went ahead and gave his catalog a listen as he dropped his EP “7’s are Wyld”.

Wyld 7 draws in the mainstream style of hip-hop with songs like “Mad Max”, “The Boys” and “Kill the bottle” But even the root of these songs are more than generic street anthems. Mad Max is an ode to the Indians who follow their chiefs in a world where everyone wants to be the big man.  While certain lyrics in “Kill the Bottle” sheds light on reasons and aftermaths of living a party lifestyle while maintaining a party vibe for club goers. 

Taking a step out of the typical topics of hip-hop and rap Wyld 7 gives you songs like “Recollect” which follows the life and death of a drug addict. This took me back to songs of the 90s that touched on the real issues the urban society and inner city see. Then we have the 90s style beat for “Loose Lips” that serves sunny cali low rider.

The ladies have not been forgotten either on tracks “Behind Closed Doors” and “Zodiac Love” he details his ways with the ladies from the bedroom antics to the mental games. “Zodiac Love” beat alone will have the ladies drifting off into lustful thoughts. “Feel Important” has a mainstream appeal that both sexes can relate to.

Then you have “I feel like Eminem” and “Determined”, respectively the intro and outro to the EP, that is just Wyld rapping from a raw place inside of him and his experiences.
All in all he has put together a very cohesive project that shows his variety should anyone question if he can only appeal to one kind of fan.

But don’t take my word for it. Go download your own copy and tell him what you think.

Twitter: @officialWyld_7
IG: @Wyld7_

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